Nadira Oh, here they come, there’s a bunch of them. There’s four, um here flying’s, beautiful lights coming at me. They were all purple which was like so many lights whitish color of lights. And their leading me, kind of like a sidewalk of lights, and over head and then coming at me is,

MUHAMMAD 06-29-95

  Nadira I have no idea what frequency that is, but it’s very high. There’s that green light again, but this time, it’s different. It right up in front of me and it looks like it’s standing upright. It’s like a doorway. It’s quite a little ways up ahead there. I’ll try to get to

ISAAC 06-01-95

  Nadira I’m seeing this huge arrow, like an Indian arrow, and where the feathers would be are green colors of lights. And it is pointing straight ahead. There’s a name coming through, I have no idea if this is a first or last or whatever but Franklin is the name. Under that name Flap

URIEL 05-25-95

Nadira There’s a lot of confusion here. It’s swirling, I shouldn’t say confusion it’s just swirling up colors. It looks like the cosmos or something. O.K., It’s starting to slow down now. Lot’s of golds and browns are coming through and yellow. Uriel Greetings, it is I Uriel. And I come forth to you at