Nadira Oh, here they come, there’s a bunch of them. There’s four, um here flying’s, beautiful lights coming at me. They were all purple which was like so many lights whitish color of lights. And their leading me, kind of like a sidewalk of lights, and over head and then coming at me is,

VYADA 07-09-95

  Nadira There’s an energy that is trying to come through and I am going to try and channel it, I don’t know, we’ll see what I can do. It’s a female energy, and she is coming through in a real beautiful, it’s like a rosy red color. Here she comes. I’m seeing um kind

MUHAMMAD 06-29-95

  Nadira I have no idea what frequency that is, but it’s very high. There’s that green light again, but this time, it’s different. It right up in front of me and it looks like it’s standing upright. It’s like a doorway. It’s quite a little ways up ahead there. I’ll try to get to

URIEL 06-25-95

  Uriel Ye! My beloved! I come this day to bow down on my knee in thankfulness to you and to your work and your deeds upon this Earth. I AM Uriel and I have come forth once more with a message for that of this planet and for all those who dwell upon it.

GABRIEL 06-21-95

  Nadira Every time that I go through the tunnel now I see this huge green rectangular shaped light up above me. It’s always the same color of green, its like a emerald green. I’m seeing folds and folds and folds of color. Here I am on those light beams again, they’re rays of light

CHADEAU 05-06-95

  Nadira Seeing three bright lights. Their ruby in color. Now it’s gone to green. It’s very intense green that is coming though and I believe it’s Chadeau. Chadeau Greetings, it is I Chadeau, and I come forth to you at this time from the seventh level in the rays of Lord Michael. I come