An energy coming forth. This is coming forth in great love, its huge beautiful rose colored light. It’s almost curled on each side with light and in the middle is a kind of yellowish light within it. I believe this is Raphael’s energy. It’s come through before once.
Words that are only words, words that have, are kept unto the self are only words. It is the power of the word that has been given unto the people, for their individual interpretation that has given forth great power of the word and has created great nations even so, even unto the Universe. It is far beyond this Universe of these dimensions that I come to you. Even though the fragment of my soul is of this Earth, for I AM Rapheal and I come forth to enfold you in my wings of love and light so that I can once again bring forth to this planet a ray of hope.
For there is much within the people’s of this planet that have given up and have become solidified with materiality of this world. And it is not of this world that we are here. It is of this Earth and of the creation and of the Universe and of the elements and of the sky and the fire and the water of the love and the energies that are created from all of these great things. For I say to you that all great things and everything is good comes forth from our blessed Creator. For I have seen through man’s eyes and I have lived in a physical body, for it was deemed necessary for me to do so. I have suffered greatly at the hands of others. But it opened up within me the being of creativity and compassion that was necessary for me to be able to blend with the energies of the Earth.
I wish to speak to you of the man’s soul and of the elements of the soul and of the ether. For as each one comes forth from their own particular ether which is a fragment of their true ether, they are reborn upon this planet and come forth to overcome certain energies which were created from prior lifetimes and not from their ether of their origination. As they are born into a physical body, they are given fire and life within them. Which is an electrical force. For this electricity is part of the Universe and all of the Earth’s domain. It is a creative force and not a destructive one as man kind would have it do so.
It is of this pattern of electricity and energy that also there is another energy that is of great significance to the Earth and unto those who are living upon the Earth. And it is called Rhythm. For within each person is the rhythm, the music of their soul. And each person emits this rhythm into the Universe. It is a rhythm that is in the harmony of the Earth’s rhythm and the Earth’s rhythm is in harmony of the Universal rhythm. It is each one must be in synchronized with the others. It is of this rhythm that many have lost their song and their music. And it has been through the negative mess of this earth and of the wrong doing.
For there have been great suffering to many souls upon this Earth and many have learned from it and have excepted the negativity as part of their learning processes and have gone on to become great in the eyes of Spirit. And others have given up. And it is of those that have given up that are lost within their own darkness, that I speak of this day. For they have given up their hope and I AM Rapheal, I have come to deem hope to those who feel that they are lost and have given up their light and their music that has been God’s gifted. They have given this up because their own desires and lust were not fullfilled upon the Earth during their lifetime of present. It is not of this lifetime nor prior life, nor lifes to come that they are here. They are here to sing their song and to live in harmony and overcome the negativities of their lust and desires. For they must elevate themselves from this level and go higher. It has caused great reflections with Spirit to see those who so easily given up their souls for that of gold, or given up their souls for that of vanity. and given up their souls for that of lust. For all these things are but a twinkling in the eye of the Universe. It has been given away so to speak, rather than live in the lives of the Spiritual and of the pathways that have been deemed necessary for them to follow. They have found it easier to seek adverse and lust. I am here to guide them, I am here for those who have seen that they have made the wrong decision and choices in life. I am here to redeem them, to give them that last chance so to speak if you will of redemption before their physical death. For there is death for the soul. The soul goes on and keeps it’s patterns singing in harmony and returns back to the ether. It is only, only the heart breaking certainty of those who continually lifetime from lifetime who seek the negative and the adverse and the desires of lust that will reverse their wheel of life. And go from that of redemption to that of death. It is the reversal of the wheel that has brought mankind to their knees and have seen the destructions of civilizations. And have seen mankind go from being that of Spiritual to that of a wild beast foraging in the forest for it’s food. It is only through this that I say the soul dies. For indeed it continues, but it will continue in a negative light.
We are here through the Spiritual domains to stop this from happening. And we are limited without energies to that of the desire of humankind to wish to make choices and changes in their life to rise above that dark seclusion of evil. And the dark seclusion and loneliness of being one who is not walking the pathway of the Creator.
There is a light corridor, of which will come forth many light beings, many are here and have been here for eons. These are light beings who will traverse this Earth bringing knowledge and comfort to those of whom they contact. They are the comforters. And at times they are also the victims. They’ll come forth upon the Earth a great transformation. There will be a division of light and dark. This will come in the future and is well knowledge by your interpreter. Of what we seek now, is the word. For as the word can reach many who are seeking, these seekers can help others to find their way from their own darkness. For no one who is in darkness is truly happy. For their reflection tells them so.
I had a real hard time. It kept echoing and echoing. He’s energy was coming through like this huge cave like it was filled with light and at first it looked like angel wings because they furled, I don’t know any other word to use. And it was like a beautiful rose color. It looked like a huge angel wings. And then this beam of yellow light or like a beautiful butterfly, I don’t know to explain it but anyway that’s Rapheal’s energy as he came through but as he left it went through all kinds of changes of greens and purples and blues and it was just lofting. And the words were like echoing. I was have a real hard time keeping up with him. I felt I lost part of it. I don’t know why I felt that way but I feel like I lost part of that translation. May be I turned my head the wrong way. What ever it is he’ll come back and tell us later.