CHADEAU 05-29-95

Nadira I am seeing four beams of light and they’re funneled into one beam now. Bright yellow with red around that and then blue. I’m going in now. I keep seeing this four beams, four different light beams, but then they form up into one beam and then they separate and then they form back

CHADEAU 05-18-95

Nadira: I’m seeing huge rays of light, it’s coming through in yellow and rose color, it’s really beautiful. I have to get closer, just a moment. Chadeau Yea, it is I, Chadeau. I am here to glorify the Creator in his works. For I come forth now with a message for the young children who

CHADEAU 05-06-95

  Nadira Seeing three bright lights. Their ruby in color. Now it’s gone to green. It’s very intense green that is coming though and I believe it’s Chadeau. Chadeau Greetings, it is I Chadeau, and I come forth to you at this time from the seventh level in the rays of Lord Michael. I come